View Location: Bransholme Princes Avenue

Evenings & Weekends

Home Evenings & Weekends

Appointments Available on Evenings and Weekends

Marmot Primary Care Network (PCN) currently delivers an “extended access” service which provides evening and weekend appointments for patients who are registered with practices that belong to Marmot PCN and also patients who are registered with practices that belong to Symphonie PCN.
The service currently delivers appointments after 6.30pm Monday to Friday and between 9am to 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Appointments are available at Bransholme Health Centre (7 days a week) and Princes Medical Centre (Wednesday and Saturdays) and are currently booked via your own GP practice.
To ensure that we are meeting the needs of our patients and providing access to appointments that are convenient and accessible, we would like to gather your views in relation to our current service and how we might deliver the service in the future.
*Primary Care Networks are groups of GP practices working together to deliver services to patients.
Completing the Questionnaire – Taking part in this questionnaire is voluntary and anonymous.  For each question please tick the box that is closest to your views or closest to your experience. You can complete the questionnaire by clicking on the link:

Or, you can pop along to the surgery to pick up a paper version to complete.
Many thanks

Excellence in Primary Care

Our network’s strength lies in our collaborative approach to healthcare